3:56 am

Happy two years anniversary to I am super excited!! Sorry I can't keep calm. This is not a day to be just calm. Chai!!! Gabbyspeaks has grown and I am praying we get better. I am grateful for all my blog friends I met here. I am super grateful I have been able to write here consistently for 2 years. It's not small thing oh! I just can't explain it all!! This is someone that had a great struggle with consistency before. God thank you for showing me that any thing is possible. Glory to your name!!!

You can't afford to miss my 2nd blog anniversary hangout. If you are in Abuja oya hurry up now now. The venue is Millennium Park it's on Saturday the 22nd of October. Email me on So for my online friends today you are free to ask me any question. I mean any question and I will certainly answer, guys. I will answer it is a by force something lol! You can also drop ideas for gabbyspeaks to implement to make this our family relationship stronger *winks*.  You guys mean a lot to me.  Sometimes I feel like quitting but when I remember the great thing God is doing through this blog in our life I just can't help me quitting isn't an option.

I want to share some funny things I have passed through blogging for this 2 years.

 1. Typing on the *laptop* isn't fun again. I mean I can type everything with my phone. As in my phone is like my personal office. Low battery can be frustrating. I can't just imagine one morning without data. Chai!!! I will just be hysterical.

 2. When I proof read a hundred times and see a typo once I post it up. I am like "Jesus was I blind or what"!! How did that get there? This auto correct can so play with someone's intelligence sha!!

 3. Uploading pictures can be so tasking ehen! After taking my time to edit pictures network will just decide to do its own shakara. Sometimes the thing go just tire me!!

 4.  I type on my way to work. I mean I could be walking on wuse bridge and I am typing away on my phone.

 5. I  type in the toilet most times. The place where I am at perfect peace LOL!! 20 minutes in the most divine place can do a whole lot of wonders.

 6. That moment when no one shows up to read a post or watch your vlog and infact no comment sef. And even when there is a comment I keep forgetting to reply. Chai!! I suck in that aspect. It is heart breaking when I write my heart out and no one drops by. It is painful, I mean the kind of pain that can make someone cry. Lol, don't mind me oh..
What I really feel like doing!! 

 7. When someone asks me "what are you blogging about"? After 10 minutes of explaining. So you want to be like lindaikeji abi. I just roll my eyes and walk away jare.  

 8. When you type you heart out only to start looking for the post again. Me I won't even come and kill myself I just kukuma look for one old post and repost!!!

I  had fun typing this sha. Don't forget to ask your questions.

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  1. Lol. I had fun reading this because I can totally relate.

    I get #7 every time. And it's just so tiring explaining.

    Happy Blogiversary, Gabbyspeaks!

    1. Lol, Amaka am glad am not alone.. Thanks sweetness..

  2. Keep it up Gabby! All the best!



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