

11:08 am

The atmosphere in the boardroom was intense. Everyone discussed privately with the person sitted next to them. Finally, the chairman; a no- nonsense, stern - looking man spoke up "So, Manager, what is your say on this matter today? This is the third time we are sitting concerning this issue and I want to get done with it. The culprits need to be punished accordingly." The manager, Mr Charles responded almost immediately "Sir, I still stand on what I have been saying from the very first day this matter came up. There is no way Mr. Yomi can be involved in such an act. Period! There is definately a mix-up somewhere".
" So, you are still vouching for the young man even when the evidences are up against him and very clear? " "Yes!" Mr Charles replied, "I can bet on it over and over again!".
" You do realise this is a very serious matter. This is a fraud attempt against our company and lots of money was involved". The chairman sounded warningly.
The chairman turned to seek the views of the other board members;
" I believe we should dig deep into the matter; no stone should be left unturned ".One suggested.
" Yes! I agree, no man should be left unchecked ". Another added.
" I don't know what relationship Mr. Charles has with Mr. Yomi but permit me to say that no thief should be covered up for ". Another man said.
" I beg your pardon! " Mr. Charles stands up immediately. "I am not covering up for him besides I have never sat down to chat with him. Please let's look at this matter critically. It's just that the tendency for Yomi to have been involved in anything this fraudulent is very slim. Need I remind you about the circumstances surrounding his coming to work here. That young man came here highly recommended. We are living witnesses. He is an asset to us. We gave our consent".
"True!" The chairman nods in agreement.
Mr Charles continues " Asides the fact that since he came, he has proved to be of good conduct and has not given us any need to worry or regret our decision. Most importantly, he is a chip of the old block. He is just like his father, Mr Kunle. May his gentle soul rest in peace. Mr. Kunle served us well. Very well! He was a man of his words and actions. He didn't hold any important position here but you can agree with me that he was one to be noticed for his integrity. I personally learnt a lot from his lifestyle. "            
 Some members in the room nods.
"Let me not go on and on about his profile and impact because am sure many of us if not all, have a lot to say about this man. He was honest, faithful, sincere, morally upright, almost perfect .Not forgetting, the two cases where he exposed different groups of people trying to defraud this company. And Yomi, who is his last child was given a job here after his father's demise as our way of supporting his family and showing them that we valued the work Mr Kunle did here. Even the owner of this company was aware. Forgive me if am going overboard or being overly sentimental but who wouldn't be? That young man has stayed too long in that cell. All for what? I just feel it's an injustice on that family and the memory of Mr Kunle's labour of love".He sits angrily.
" Having understood all you've said; obviously, the other culprits have already been considered guilty by everyone except this young man Yomi who has received much sympathy but still, we have no proof that he is not guilty." The chairman spoke again
"Permit me Mr Chairman", a young lady in the board spoke; " Having listened to Mr Charles; I want to totally agree with him and am sure many people in this room agree too; I have no personal relationship with the accused in question or his father even though I have interacted with his father on two sudden occasions; There should be something wrong somewhere; or even if he actually joined the act? Something! A strong reason might not be far- fetched".
"My point exactly, thank you ma". Charles said.
" So? What do you suggest?" We need to come to a conclusion today.The real culprits need to be tried and brought to book ". You know I hate dragging matters. I love action". Said the chairman.
" I suggest he is called and interacted with; asked questions not like a criminal. Forgive me but every time Mr Kunle's face comes to mind; he does not look like a criminal and neither does his son. At least he shouldn't be left to rot in that cell until we find a real case against him. Not like he was caught in the act or something".
"Fine! Fine! Fine! Before more emotions start building up; he will be released and meet with the board at a fixed day and time". The chairman finally announced.
" Perfect ! Mr Charles exclaimed.
"I don't know what you stand to gain by standing in for that young man...." The chairman said.
"Definitely nothing! But for justice to prevail". Mr Charles said, more relaxed.
" But you sure do have a lot to lose and pay for! The chairman added warningly.
"What?!! Charles utters in disbelief while the others look on in surprise.
" Yes! If by any slim chance, that Yomi boy is found guilty. Am sorry Mr Charles, you've put your job on the line as we can conclude you have a wrong sense of judgement and are not fit for your position".
"Well, Mr Chairman! I'll put my job on the line anytime for Mr Kunle and any of his children too without fear. A man like Mr Kunle cannot produce a thief for a son".
Mr Charles uttered back.
"Well said!" The chairman replied. "Be careful Mr Charles, you might be treading on shaky grounds.let's adjourn this meeting".....

A father's profile is written by Benedicta (Benevolent) Okenyi.

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  1. Hmmm.. looking forward to its continuation. God knows a good character is better than riches



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