9:13 am

Have you ever had something like "I AM A VIRGIN, I AM A GOOD WOMAN/MAN".  I have heard that severally and that's the reason for this post. Being chaste or keeping yourself for marriage is indeed a very good thing, i am one of those few people who believe so much in it.  I have also come across a lot of  myths about Virginity, it's beginning to give me serious cause for concern.

MYTH 1: Virginity translates to good character

So many virgins stay in this wonder world for a long time thinking it is actually the right thing.  There is a strong need to work on your character. Your character is indeed your charm. It is the beauty everyone sees and keep seeing for a long time.  Being a Virgin does not  translate to having a good character that can translate to good and healthy life long relationships. What draws a man or a woman to you is your character. Develop good and Godly characters  that can stand the test of time.

MYTH 2 : Virginity keeps a relationship

Well, I am not saying that sex keeps a relationship am just saying that it is a negative believe that once you are a Virgin you have the ability to have a good relationship which will result to a great marriage.  Can we just wake up! the fact that you are a Virgin does not mean that alone will keep your relationship.  There are a lot of things that can keep a marriage or relationship, and certainly its not Virginity. How about trust, how about love, how about understanding your partner etc.

Its a good thing you are keeping your self for that special person, but come on! There are other things you need to know about keeping a relationship going. Haven't you heard of people who married as virgins but are divorced or separated? It takes a lot to keep relationships going.

MYTH 3: Being a Virgin means am Holy

This is a big mistake that no one should think about. So many virgins masturbate on a regular basis, fantasize about sex, indulge in oral sex and all. Purity itself is not just purity of the body, but purity all round.  Virginity does not mean that you are better or Holier than a person who is not.  Haven't you heard of Rahab, Mary and a lot more women in the Bible that God used for his work.  Haven't you seen prostitutes who repented and God sees them as Holy and righteous.

Not having your hemen penetrated does not mean you are to be used by  God or automatically a heaven candidate. God requires total Holiness and righteousness everyday. A good relationship with God makes you a person he can use. Any one who believes in God and works in his ways will not perish. No matter how bad one's past is God is ever ready to clean one up.  There is something called secondary Virginity, people who have once indulged in sex make a decision never to do it again. So dear Virgins, a life that pleases God in body and mind is what you should yearn for.

MYTH 4: Virgins are frigid and have low sex drive 

This is so not true, a lot of virgins have strong sex drive but have just made a decision to wait.  Waiting for sex does not mean you won't have a great sex life in marriage (or am i wrong, married people? *rolls eyes*)
Some people here in Africa believe that most virgins are circumcised. Circumcision which is a bad thing does not mean that it will keep a woman grounded till marriage.

In conclusion friends, it is a good thing to wait but while waiting work on other areas of your  life.  Build virtues that will stand the test of time. Learn other skills and  get better everyday.

So friends, what myths about Virginity have you heard about?

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  1. Character is key that opens doors that no level of virginity is so silly to think that Virginity is ID card that reads Holiness. Another mega Gabby

    1. Exactly, virginity can never be taken in place of holiness..llloooolll @ mega gabby

  2. True talk, Gabby! Being a virgin does not make one a saint. We should not deceive ourselves. . . Holiness is a lifestyle. Basically, living out the character of Christ.

    I recently posted: SEX is a Form of Play :)

    1. My dear, so many people live in this la-la land of wonders.. Christianity is a lifestyle.

      Ehen, i read your recent post.. The comments there sha. * winks *

  3. I have also heard that a virgin means you will get pregnant fast once you get married. lots of these myths are just tales by moon light(lol), guess they where created to encourage Chasity, an act that is slowly dying in our time.

    1. Llloooolll, get pregnant fast!!! There do not mean it that way i guess..

      We need to keep encouraging chastity.thanks sis.

  4. Character is the key, virgin or no virgin not those that hide under the pretense of born again, as for me good character is the true beauty of any woman and not virginity or born again.

  5. The weird thing about the Virginity topic is it's gender bias, and so, one myth about virgins is that is has nothing to do with guys. That's wrong. The concept of virgins or virginity applies to the male folks too.

    1. Yes exactly, it applies to both gender but our society seem to take out the war on only females..

  6. I agree with all of the points! Being a virgin does not make you holy! There are a lot of virgins out there that are not a virgin by choice and are not saved! Just because a person says they're a virgin does not even mean they have a relationship with God. It just means that they have not had sexual relations!

    1. So true sis, thanks for stopping by..

  7. Lovely article...
    There is so much emphasis laid on virginity, but sadly for the wrong reasons...
    It's commendable and praise worthy to be chaste...
    But chastity is not same as being a virgin; virginity does not confer chastity. Chastity involves other areas: morals, values etc
    Virginity is also different from character and in these day and age, I would rather more attention be paid to character, attitudes, morals and values. If those were intact, we would have more virgins who are chaste

  8. Lovely article...
    There is so much emphasis laid on virginity, but sadly for the wrong reasons...
    It's commendable and praise worthy to be chaste...
    But chastity is not same as being a virgin; virginity does not confer chastity. Chastity involves other areas: morals, values etc
    Virginity is also different from character and in these day and age, I would rather more attention be paid to character, attitudes, morals and values. If those were intact, we would have more virgins who are chaste



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