

7:05 am

When Luke was dumped one more time by a woman he loves, he vows " I will never love again". It's just a 5 worded sentence but it is a huge message for a lifetime.  Luke had a great reason for saying such.  He has been disappointed so many times, he was definitely hurt and he was never going to let it happen again.  He vows bitterly to protect himself by never loving again.

 (weekly giveaway: 10th to comment with email address wins airtime)

Being hurt over and over again by the people you once loved and trusted is a huge deal of pain.  It can cause heart wrenching pain for a lifetime.  It's a huge deal for so many people.

I remember personally making such statements and I know how cool it felt keeping that promise I made to myself.  It was an emotional wrecking journey.

One thing about being hurt and living a life full of hurt is you are still dwelling in the dark.  The people who hurt you must have moved on with life, they might have even gotten into long-term relationships and marriages.  You are simply slowing down yourself.  It takes a heart that understands that hurts are bound to arise in life to live a life of victory over hurt and pain.

Being hurt again and again is like accidentally touching a hot plate over and over again.  It hurts so much and you vow to avoid anything that looks like that hot plate.  You even decide never to let a hot plate near you.  Never again. That's the kind of decision we take when we are hurt.  We don't need to be told that something looks like love we just run away so fast. We live in this shell of our pain and once someone tries to ask how we are doing we flee. This strategy works wonders for anyone who is so hurt and doesn't see the need to move on from the hurt just like  Luke as illustrated above.  Avoiding love or anything that looks like it is like avoiding life.  In life we are supposed to forgive and move on.  We are supposed to find peace even in our pain it is the first step to take towards healing.

Don't allow the past pain make you stop living.  Be strong enough to love again.  Understand that,  God gave up his son for us selflessly though we hurt him over and over again he loves us all the same.  He promised never to let us go no matter what the case may be.

Forgive friend, let go. Allow love to blossom once again in your life. Give chance for people to find you and love you.  Don't allow the people in your life suffer for things they never knew nothing about. Love endures and forgive, make a decision to love one more time.

Have a blessed week ahead.  Don't forget to share.

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  1. I'm really inspired. Nice one there

  2. I have learn one or two thing in this post and will be sending to my younger sister who says she can never love again becoz of heartbreak..callmerosepowell@gmail.com

  3. I have learn one or two thing in this post and will be sending to my younger sister who says she can never love again becoz of heartbreak..callmerosepowell@gmail.com

  4. I have learn one or two thing in this post and will be sending to my younger sister who says she can never love again becoz of heartbreak..callmerosepowell@gmail.com

  5. I have learn one or two thing in this post and will be sending to my younger sister who says she can never love again becoz of heartbreak..callmerosepowell@gmail.com

  6. I have learn one or two thing in this post and will be sending to my younger sister who says she can never love again becoz of heartbreak..callmerosepowell@gmail.com

  7. I have learn one or two thing in this post and will be sending to my younger sister who says she can never love again becoz of heartbreak..callmerosepowell@gmail.com

  8. I have learn one or two thing in this post and will be sending to my younger sister who says she can never love again becoz of heartbreak..callmerosepowell@gmail.com

  9. I have learn one or two thing in this post and will be sending to my younger sister who says she can never love again becoz of heartbreak..callmerosepowell@gmail.com

  10. I have learn one or two thing in this post and will be sending to my younger sister who says she can never love again becoz of heartbreak..callmerosepowell@gmail.com

  11. I love, not because I understand all that it takes but it is a way of emptying myself so I can be refilled by the source if love itself.

  12. Forgive, friend. Let go! How apt! Sometimes, we can decide to be "selfish" by letting go for our own sake & peace of mind and not theirs.

    Well done!



Email me @ gabbyspeks@gmail.com

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