Secrets of An Irresistible Woman #4
8:35 pm
Proverbs 31:14- She is like a merchant ship loaded with food stuffs; she brings her household’s food from a far country.
By a woman’s nature she is creative and also multitasking, a woman has the ability to have her hands full and still perform effectively in all. This wonderful creation called "WOMAN" is a wonder to behold. Have you ever thought about what makes a women irresitible; such a woman that does not sit on her back and watch things to happen as life just passes by. This woman makes the most of her life, she is not just waiting for people to come save her but she is ready to save others. This kind of woman is full of loads of marketable commodities, she is consistently on the move, she sort for commodities in faraway lands and bring them back home. Hello, this woman makes things happen! YOUR MAN MUST NOT PROVIDE EVERYTHING.
The truth about this kind of woman is that she is economically liberated, intellectually sound, emotionally strong, physically fit and spiritually up; she is a willing aid when it comes to providing for her house hold and beyond. She is not waiting for prince charming to come save her on a WHITE HORSE with all the wealth in the world and take her to a BEAUTIFUL CASTLE where they will LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. Sorry sister that only happens in DISNEY WORLD: "I hope some day one be built in your neigbhouhood", stop being stuck in LA LA LAND come back to reality. Life is tough only the strong pull through, after all tough times never last but tough people do says Robert Schuller.
We so much desire to be like this woman but how many of us are willing to go the extra mile to achieve our goals and vision? Starting right where you are is a great key to fulfilling Gods plan and purpose for your life. START NOW, STOP PROCASTINATING. The road to economic liberty is never easy and does not happen in a day, it takes a lot of determination and hard work to see your dreams come to pass.
Whatever dreams you have in your heart do not let it go, because your dreams makes your future beautiful. After. Dont dreams come true: only when you wake from sleep
This woman is just like a merchant ship that goes the extra mile to seek out opportunities and utilize them, so many of us come across various opportunities to be better people everyday but fail to utilize them. These kinds of opportunities do not come "so big", it could be a little opportunity to acquire one skill or the other, giving a helping hand to someone, perhaps even underserving you might say or just a humble call to serve. Whatever opportunity; always maximize it because you can never be so sure what will be your source of blessing.
Read this carefully, I got talking to a woman who owns a good salon; she is so skillful in what she does and therefore is well sought after. Ône day on my usual visit to her salon, I got curious and asked her where she learnt her skill from, and she told me something that shocked me. She said she learnt it by going to a neighbor’s salon to help her run errands after school hours, just by doing little things to assist this neighbor she is financially liberated. Remember that kind of opportunity appears like “SLAVING FOR SOMEONE” like we often call it. Wise people call that the “ACT OF SERVICE”. A great woman called RUTH was discovered at the place of service. Serving others or making others comfortable is a great attribute of an irresistible woman. The place of service is usually a place of manifestation and discovery, you will not know so much about yourself until you are called upon to serve.
The place of service has a way of bringing out our innermost weaknesses and reflecting our strengths; such that might have never known where within us.
Merchant ships travel by sea. Seas are characterized by storms, storms are usually tough but a merchant ship has the ability to pull through. Let’s not forget that merchant ships also have the ability to sink or capsize if not driven by a good pilot. When going through life as a woman you will be faced with various challenges and trials, your ability to overcome such makes you a better woman. A merchant ship is able to ride through storms and make it safe to her destination; going through life to actualize your visions and goals in life is never an easy task. It takes a lot of determination to pull through. A merchant ship also is always prepared for long voyage and well stocked for unforseen dangers. Leave by planning and taken maximum precaution: your dream land you'll surely posses.
To conclude this weeks edition: Life is a journey, you need all you can get to pull through successfully, the BIBLE said wisdom is the principal thing. Wisdom is one of the greatest endowments of an irresistible woman. Get wisdom, keep getting wisdom, and never be tired of getting wisdom.
Click HERE for Secret #3
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Dis is lovely my frd.ll strive 2 b a merchant ship.tnx
ReplyDeleteAm happy to hear that dear, we just need to take little little steps everyday..
ReplyDeleteGod give us the grace to serve, Amen
ReplyDeleteAmen and Amen.. All we need is grace and commitment.
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