

8:42 am

I am introducing a new feature on my blog. I will be sharing short stories on Tuesdays. This is the concluding part of A Father's profile  written by Okenyi Benedicta 

Few minutes after the meeting, Mr Charles is in his office with the company's secretary who sat, staring at him.
"You think I overdid it right? I put my job on the line for nothing?" Charles asked noticing her facial expression.
"Well, Sir!.......I really don't know what to say concerning this matter. No one expected the chairman to put you on the spot like that. Besides I can also vouch for Mr Kunle even at a death's threat but this is his son?....." The secretary expressed her concern.
"So?" Charles gave her a questioning look.
"What if he is fully aware and involved?........"
Charles smiles; "I understand your concern and I am aware of my stand and the risk involved. But am not going back on what my heart is stayed on. Yomi hasn't worked here too long but I see his father anytime I see him. I was never close to his father but he really touched me. I pray daily to be half the man he was. I cannot be wrong".......


Yomi is sitted in his room. Thoughts running through his mind. He recounted incidents where his father would scold him concerning speaking the truth always even in the face of danger. Even till death, he stood for what he believed in. As stubborn as he(Yomi) was; he had even sworn never to be like his late father. Not like his honesty even produced much. They were still poor till he died. His patience didn't even yield a slim bone talk more of a fat one.
 Yomi hissed and shook his head.
 Even the truth Yomi forced himself to speak back then in school; didn't it earn him nicknames among his friends and the feeling of being left out.
Yomi stood up and walked around the room. "Who integrity help?....His colleague and best pal in the office, Marcus voice rung in his head. " Just make some good money that will set you up for life"
Marcus last statement today at the close of office was " Even if you won't join us; at least just keep sealed lips and don't hinder us".
As much as he tried to dodge the matter; he was the office accountant. Besides why should he even dodge the matter?
"I cannot be like my father, no way! ....... I need money!......

Yomi is sitted in his room; he has temporarily been released from prison.
" What sort of mess is this?" The company's secretary even said Mr Charles put his job on the line for me and some other workers are also vouching for me because of my dad's image. I was also the only one considered to be released and whose matter the board has sat on for several days".
"Dad's lifestyle has really saved me this time. Besides, is it not because of him I got the job in the first place? I landed in prison; a whole son of Kunle Adeshina! My dad will surely turn in his grave. I messed up. A good name is surely better than silver or gold. Those few days in that prison was hell. From the very first day the deal came to my ears; I would have taken a strong stand against it. Just see how I have been roped into this...."
Yomi sighs. " This is not good"....What would dad do? He would rather sink than lie!.......

Yomi is sitted in front of the board. He felt uneasy as many eyes stared at him. He tried to keep as calm as possible.
"Mr Yomi; The only reason we want to hear you out is because of your father; his PROFILE is solid. So, what is your defence?" The chairman finally broke the silence.
"I plead guilty!" Yomi said bluntly.
"What?!!!! Guilty?!!!" whispers from the members filled the air.
"What are you saying?" Mr Charles asked in surprise. "You can't possibly admit that....oh my God!"
The chairman laughs mockingly. "At least, we are making headway, a true son of his father right? Can you repeat yourself?"
"I said I plead guilty!" Yomi repeated.
"You joined them?" Mr Charles fires back in disbelief.
"No!" I did not join them."Yomi replied.
"No? Obviously, You signed the checks and you just pleaded guilty. Look here young man, do you think all of us sitted here are fools? Are you going mad? The chairman fired back at him, fuming already.
" Hear me out sir! Yomi stands up. "I am the son of Mr Kunle Adeshina. Just like my father, I will speak only the truth. It was a tempting offer.They came to me and briefed me about their plans. Marcus kept me posted about everything. I had every reason to join them but I had one reason not to, My father!"
The room was silent.
Yomi went on "I plead guilty because the deal was shady and it would cause the company money but I chose to overlook it. I could have said something like my dad would have but I chose to sit on the fence which earned me few days in the cell and more if I am not acquitted. I didn't want to be the bad guy and compromise my stand and yet I just turned a blind eye. Like my dad used to say; if you do not take care of someone's own, who will give you yours? Am sorry! When they brought the checks for me to sign, I could have questioned the amount, double-checked and even reported but I sat on the fence. Am so sorry, the company has gone through loss because of this. I will accept whatever punishment. To those that vouched for me, am truely sorry."
Yomi bends his head in shame, avoiding their eyes. "That's my defence!"
Mr Charles sighs in relief. Everyone remains silent, not moving even in their seats. Mr Charles stares at the chairman for a reaction.
After a while, the chairman broke the silence " the board sits tomorrow 9am!"....


Few minutes later, as everyone vacated the boardroom. Yomi stands with Charles and the secretary at the lobby. The chairman passes by and soon stops abruptly.
" I hope that oneday, people can vouch for me like this and I have a son who would not forget my words and keep my profile up! The chairman said and pats Yomi at the back. "I have no reason not to believe you, keep it up." and Mr Charles....you just earned yourself a promotion. See you tomorrow." He leaves them and quickly gets into his car.
 Charles smiles victoriously.
"You've really outdone yourself, Mr. Charles." The secretary commended.
"When it comes to integrity; I can never go wrong with Mr. Kunle!.." Charles said confidently...

Proverbs 20 : 7
The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.

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