7:22 am

I got frustrated  at a point feeling so unloved by God. Why will i pray so fervently, ask from my heart but he seems not to answer me? I have confessed all sins i knew at that point and even confessed the sins of my past.
(monday giveaway is below)
Still no answer?? No hope in view, it seems like my problems just got worse.  I held vigils and fasted the more asking him for more signs to know if he is listening but yet nothing.  I gave up my questions and summarized my whole anger in one sentence  "God hates me".  I see a lot of people nodding their head right now, whispering "me too!"

Later on i realized how foolish i was to think i could arm twist God to get answers to my prayers.  He answered me already but i was too locked up with what i wanted and how i wanted my prayers answered. So when he answered i didn't even know it.

Yes, HE LISTENED he gave me all the signs i asked for, he gave me all the assurances i needed to prove that he was listening but i was too busy to notice.  God infact listens and he answers our prayers but we need to be sensitive enough to know it.  He knows the way you feel and when you call upon him he is always there.

 A lot of us pray fervently but are not always ready to receive our answers.  GOD speaks to our hearts and through His word but how often do we take time to study it. How much time are we willing to sacrifice just to listen to him, just to hear him answer the very prayers we prayed.

Prayer is not a one way traffic, its a two way communication.  Praying for a particular heart desire or need requires us to listen to what God has to say about that situation. Some of us just give God all the points, all the pain but we do not tarry long enough to listen, we are too distracted by the noise of the world.

The noise of the world is that voice of self, that voice that says its impossible,  the voice of doubt.  These voices most times sound so loud that we allow it overshadow the voice of God in our lives.

God listens to us, he is always ready.  He just needs our hearts to be in the right position where he can reach us so he could talk to us and instruct us.  He hands out answers to us always. He is never tired to speaking, he is never tired of answering all he needs are hearts that are willing to receive from him.


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  1. Wonderful and really insightful piece. Thanks and greetings!

    1. You're welcome dear, chai you didn't drop your email address..

  2. Nice piece...chibereks@yahoo.com

    1. Congratulations dear for being our winner, but you're not replying your emails oh.. Kindly reply.

  3. Well said and good luck to the winner.

  4. No doubt, God answers prayers.

  5. Lovely article, Gabby. When we can't feel Him so near, He's always there.

    PS: Me loff your pinshure.

    1. Thanks sweety for loving my pinshure, lol.. Yes he is always there when we can't feel him so near..

  6. I have had my share of doubts in time past but God meet me on the cross road like He met Saul on his way to Damascus, and Ever since i have learnt (though it was difficult at first) to trust Him solely, cos He actually listens when i speak to Him. Thanks Love for this post, Your No1 Fan.

  7. Wowwwww, lovely, God always answers us, lovethibeagha@gmail.com



Email me @ gabbyspeks@gmail.com

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