

12:24 pm

This is a part in the UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP SERIES. If you missed the last part, don't worry you didn't miss much, you will just have to click HERE.
I have decided to make this a series because a lot of MEN are demanding they will want to know about UNHEALTHY WOMEN too. Secondly, I honestly will not want my posts to be too long so will be breaking them down into one or two examples per post. ENJOY.

They are just too attached to notice

4. MR MY-MOMMY-IS-EVERYTHING. They can be called for short MOMMY'S BOY. This kind of guys still have their umbilical cords tied to their mum. They are adults based on their chronological age but in decisions they are babies. You will see them as grown men but deep within they are still sucking their mother's breasts. They are just too close to their mom to a fault. This kind of men seek their mother's permission before they take any decision. They are always the one's who will first have to take permission from their mother before they will even date you. As a lady if you do not love his mom or worship her like he does he will just be complaining and nagging.

Nothing can come between I and my mommy.. lllloollll

 There are some reasons why a grown man turns out to be a mommy's boy. I think men who were raised by SINGLE MOTHERS are most likely to turn out being mommy's boy. They were raised to wear the man's pants and take responsibility of the family at a tender age. They have this bond with their mom because she raised him to be the man. They went through all the struggles with their mother so it is indeed natural for the bond to be present. They just don't know when to draw the line.

Men who where abused or molested by their mothers at a young age also have this tendency too. This abuse could be physical, verbal, emotional or sexual. Well, some of us will be like ewwww!!! that is impossible but you know, there are a lot of controlling and abusive mothers out there. A woman who is not happy in her marriage or has a broken one will pour her rage and frustration on the young man who she now sees as the man. She just has a great anger towards men generally so the young lad is the one who bears it all. Such mothers manipulate and punish their children for their failures in life. They control the young man. If this man is not careful he will find it extremely difficult to break lose from her influence and control.

Some of these MEN are not financially independent, they depend on their mother's money to do almost everything. They could be the kind of guys who have their mothers as their sole providers. Their mothers still open up the financial doors for them. The truth is this, it is extremely difficult or infact difficult for a man who is financially independent to be a MOMMY'S BOY.
  Just imagine if you are palnning a wedding and it is His mother that is providing the finance for it. Do you think you will actually have a choice of anything.

Mom says:I don't like the white one the green is better.

 You could choose a gown and she is like "I don't like that one, it will not be fine". When she is the one wearing the financial pants my dear sister, you don't look like someone that has a choice. Money is a powerful tool to control a man especially if he is not making it himself.

 A man who grew up seeing his mother being unfairly treated by his father can also turn out to see himself as the only person that can correct the wrongs his father did to his mother. Everything he does just has to be based on his mothers specifications. He does not do anything without a YES from mommy. He just needs to know that he can't be everything for her.

If you are in a relationship with such a man know one thing that he will always put his mother before you. He will listen to his mother first before you. If it now happens that his mother does not like you, then you are so in trouble. She will give you a hard time and her son will always take her side. A man is supposed to be independent and think for himself. The Bible says that a man should leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. You might not be his wife yet but how a man treats you in a relationship goes a long way to affect the way he treats you in marriage.

If you are in a relationship with a man whose mother is still controlling, you need to pray about it, also weigh the consequences of getting married to such a man. You will fight all your life to seperate this man from his mom's umbilical cord. You might be uhappy because everything about your marriage will be on mommy's table. Be wise sister!!!

Abuse has a way of manipulating a child. It could be in any form.
MR MY-MOMMY-IS-EVERYTHING literally sees his mother as his SUPER HERO. He is devoted to his mother as a worshipper of her. She is his idol.

EPH. 6:31 (NIV) "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."

5. MR BROKE-AND-LAZY, Mr broke and lazy can be described as a younger brother to Mr Leach. This is the kind of man who does not have financial stability but yet he is not lifting a finger to help himself. Please no matter what you do don't marry or start a relationship with this guy, but if you allow your motherly instincts to take over your sense of reasoning then get ready to have a kid for life. This kind of guy always complains about how bad the economy is but when you get him a job he complains about either the salary or the time frame for the job or his boss. He will be bringing up big business ideas that he is not ready to start from the scratch to build. He is VISIONLESS, DIRECTIONLESS, AND LAZY.

always asking and so lazy

This kind of guy will always be giving you promises of how rich he will become and all that. You will never catch him doing anything positive to start with. He literally turns you to his ATM and he never pays back. You can decide to give him all your savings to start a business. Sister, you just made a huge mistake. He will come up with sorry excuses why he cannot continue with the business. He will always come up with a cork and bull story and tell you he wants to do another form of business.

MR BROKE-AND-LAZY will  take you for a date but you will be the one to pay the bills. He sees you as a rescuer always. 

1 Timothy 5:8 (NLT) But those who won't care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.

To be continued...



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  1. Blessed by your Post Dearie, waiting for the 3rd part

    1. Am glad you were blessed, just ensure you share it with someone today. 3rd part coming soon..

  2. Lol Guys you are in real trouble....lol Gabby got her eyes on you lol

    1. Lllloooll, u guys are in deep wahala with me.. There is more to come..



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